Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

Quite simple really.

We have made it super simple for you to get started in your own business – by creating a Ready-made Business-In-A-Box solution.

We know starting your own business can take several weeks especially the marketing side – because getting customers is the most challenging part for any business, especially startups.

Getting people paying for your services is the most important and often frustrating part for a startup so that’s why most of the content in your ClientsNOW Business in a Box Kit concentrates towards marketing.

We have made it super easy for you to start earning an income fast, by taking care
of your lead generation (getting online inquiries from customers ready to purchase
your services in your area).

This enables you to take care of your customers and worry less about finding leads and inquiries.

To get you started in lead generation, we will develop a LIVE landing page and create a LIVE Google ads campaign, specific to your industry or niche.

To our knowledge, Google ads are the fastest way to source leads. This is to ensure you start getting inquiries fast, from customers who are ready to purchase your services.

However, so you are not restricted to just one lead channel, such as Google campaigns, we’ve added several strategies in your operating manual, for your use.

This means you can have multiple lead generation channels.

By the time you have implemented several of these, you will have leads coming in from multiple sources.

But we haven’t stopped at just lead generation!

In your ClientsNOW Business in a Box kit, you will receive several strategies to convert those leads into sales (getting them to purchase). 

Because what’s the point of spending money on getting leads, when you cannot convert them into paying clients? 

You can then start improving your conversion rate (using sales closing tactics) and this is where your mentor’s assistance will really help your success. 

After your leads purchase once…why stop there? Getting your clients to purchase repeatedly, is a sure-fire way to improve profits and create passive income!

 Again, your mentor will assist you in this essential area.

You will receive several tactics you can implement almost immediately to get your customers returning again and again!

PLUS you get time management, goal setting and other ideas on creating a successful business! 

Every little detail has been included to get you started fast, including live inquiries, your website, email addresses, flyers, business cards and several marketing strategies.

Now all you need to do is to purchase our Business-In-A-Box Solution, the equipment you need to start, do some training to learn the skills needed to perform your businesses  service (if you don’t know) and you’re set to go!


That depends on how many hours you want to work and how much you charge per hour.

You should do your own research into the going rate for the services you are offering.

For example, you start a lawn mowing business, find out what local lawn mowing businesses charge in your area.

You can then price your services accordingly

The simple math is the more hours you can work, the more you will earn

How do I find customers?

In your ClientsNOW Business in a Box manual, you’ll get over 200 marketing strategies including proven and tested examples,  templates, scripts and checklist. You can easily implement these marketing strategies into your marketing plan including Google and Facebook advertising, local area marketing, like flyer drops, strategic alliances, Joint venture alliances, Gumtree, pay-per-lead channels, referral and viral marketing to start getting your leads PLUS tons of more tactics.

Also, we will cover each strategy in detail, during your mentoring sessions.


Yes, we will help your business get more leads and enquiries. We will also show you how to close sales and get them coming back time and again! Simply following our systems will ensure you never run out of leads and leave your competition for dust!

Can you guarantee sales?

Sales will depend on your promo offers/baits/lead magnets that you use to generate leads –  we will suggest several to you. Although we cannot guarantee you will use these strategies to get leads, we have used these proven and tested strategies to generated leads for many clients, so they should work for you too.

We will help you generate leads and inquiries, however, converting and closing those leads into sales is your job. (You’ll receive sales conversion and retention strategies, so make sure you use them)

Our Business Coaching & Mentoring program is designed to assist you with lead generation, lead conversion and getting repeat business – so have a chat to Neil for more strategies on closing sales and securing future clients


Yes, correct – we will set up Facebook and/or Google ads so all you have to do is pay them the money so show the ads – could be as little as $20 per day. 

All leads come directly to you


When you have the right ads in the right channels, you should have enough leads to keep you busy.

However, if you want more work there are over 200 marketing strategies in your ClientsNOW manual – all with templates and examples – just use them to post on Facebook, gumtree, hand flyers to local businesses, do letterbox drops, create strategic alliances, advertise on pay-per-lead channels etc – however, in the beginning, most of my clients are happy with Google ads as they get enough work from this channel

Do you supply equipment?

No, it is your responsibility to purchase any equipment you need and within your budget

I don't know how to do lawn mowing, how do I learn?

We do not teach you how to perform the services of your business, like lawn mowing, cleaning houses, dog walking or any other services that you want to sell, so we encourage you to learn these skill BEFORE you start operating your business.

Most of these skills are easily learned by attending collages, working for a similar business, checking out businesses for sale and learning their daily operations or simple watching tutorial videos then asking friends and family if you can do this work for them for free so that they can evaluate your performance and give you tips on improvement. 


I don’t have the money, do you do a payment plan ?

Yes you can apply for finance from our partner Max Funding by clicking on this link

Alternatively, because $1497 is not a lot of money, you could use your credit card to finance the package

Also, note that you will need money to market your business so if you are really strapped for cash, it would be better to wait until you are in a better financial position.


Totally understand your concern. That is a good point. To gain some confidence I would suggest:-

• getting a part-time job in your industry
• hire someone to perform the work so you can watch and learn
• watch how people do it on YouTube
• join specific courses – there’s a course for everything nowadays
• do it your self in your own house
• ask friends and family if you can do it form them and ask them for their feedback – so you can improve and perform it professionally

Or you can do it for free until you are confident enough to start charging. This is not rocket science so it’s not hard to learn 

Can I work in my business part time?

Yes, we actually recommend you start working in your new business part-time. That way you don’t lose your current income. 

In fact most of our clients start part time working and improving their skills on weekends. Many then progress to work full time in their busienss.

That way you will learn all you need to learn, know what marketing channels to use, what ads work best, learn basic bookkeeping, learn how to provide the services if you’re new to it – ie if you haven’t done lawn mowing before, this is a good time to improve your skills. 



We will en-devour to have your site up and running in 2-4 weeks. After that we will train you on the back end so you are aware how to add info as you need it.

The best thing is that your business ‘is flexible’ and it can grow and expand with you over time, based on the time you have available.

You have full control over how big you want your business to grow and also the time frame for how long it takes you to get there.

What is the cost?

We know how difficult lead generation is, that’s why we have created an easy solution for you to get started with online advertising fast!

You’ll get an SEO optimized wordpress website complete with custom domain name, Google ads campaign setup and your Business in a box package.

NOTE: The package does NOT include Ad – Spend ( the money you pay Google to show your ads)

The one-off cost of each Business-In-A-Box package that includes the website starts from $1497. Marketing your business and business coaching/mentoring is an additional cost. Click here for more details 


Are there additional charges?

The only additional monthly charges are website hosting which starts at $7 per month (approximately) for a single website. We recommend you use GoDaddy to register your domain name and website hosting 

Our Google Ads management charges are $99 per month and is optional if you choose us to manage your campaign. Other charges are SEO services (starting at $299 per month) and Business Mentoring /Coaching services ($500 per month)

Apart from that it is what you decide to pay Google and/or FaceBook to show your ads, plus any other marketing strategies you may want us to implement for you

If you want more than the basic website package or assistance with business growth please check out our pricing section


Yes, of course, you can sell from your Facebook page, or we can set up a Facebook Business Page and Store for you. A Facebook store is just like a website that operates totally within the Facebook platform. A Facebook Store displays products from your website automatically in your Facebook Store. You are encouraged to sell on Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Communities & Groups


As you know, nowadays people search via their smartphone, so if you haven’t got a website, how will they find you?

PLUS your website is a conversion tool, This means your website must be designed to SELL. 

It’s like having your own 24/7 sales rep, selling your services and products. 

Our websites are designed to give you higher conversions 


Awesome…great to know that.

Look I appreciate you could be trying to save money here but when we build your website we build it for conversions – designed specifically to take anyone hitting your site into either enquiring about your offer or calling you for more info.

A website is a marketing tool whose only purpose is to push leads deeper into your sales funnel so that they can make a buying decision.

That involves understanding what your target market needs and finding ways to sell your products/services to them

I mean what’s the point of having a really beautiful website that doesn’t even land you one client?


That’s fantastic…I’m sure you can! May I ask you….do you know the biggest problem business owners face on a daily basis?

I mean if you go out to any local business in your area today and ask the business owner “is finding and retaining clients an issue”? guess what they’ll say? –


The question is – WHY is getting customers such a challenge for businesses?

Marketing is a science and we have helped many business experiences exponential growth using over 200 tried and tested marketing strategies so you should let us worry about finding customers for you while you focus on what you do best – serving customers and making money!

Is this an established business?

No, this is not an established business.

It does NOT come with customers – you will need to create your own customer database & we’ll show you how easily that can be done. It’s a brand-new business, without pros and cons of an established business.

You can turn this into your very own profitable business.

Think about it. Unless an established business is actually a profitable turnkey operation, why would the owner want to sell it? (genuine reasons are taken into consideration)

In which case it would sell for a very high price – 10 to 15 times its annual turnover!

Is this a franchise or do I need to purchase a license?

No, this is not a franchise.

However, we do support you for a full 30 days as part of your initial investment and when you sign up for mentoring, you receive support for as long as you need.

You are totally free to operate your business any way you choose under your own name and branding and without ongoing fees. This is 100%  your business.

This is not a licensing system. Forget ongoing license fees or license costs.


Yes. Your website will be configured to use; email address. You can add an unlimited number of additional email addresses.

Do you do the marketing for me?

No, we don’t do the physical work of implementing the strategies for you or on your behalf (apart from setting your initial Google Ads campaign)

This is your business and it’s your responsibility to make it work, it is up to you if you want to use the strategy ideas we provide to you. You will get ideas and examples of what your ads should look like – ie using the AIDA formula to create compelling headlines, body and CTA, that you could use, but we will not physically call Yellow Pages and give them your ad.

Your mentor will provide you with practical ideas on how to implement each strategy and is there to support you in any way for the growth of your business – you are basically working for yourself, but not by yourself

Please understand that marketing is a huge topic that cannot be taught in one session, hence we encourage you to continously improve your marketing skills.

How much should I spend on Google Ads?

We suggest $5 to $150 per day to start depending on your budget however we can research the CPC for your industry first.

Can I turn off my ads?

Most definitely. If you find you’re getting more business that you can handle please advice us and we can pause the campaign or run it on a shorter time schedule


We don’t make any changes to your Website Design, Layout, Colours, Logo etc after purchase (without additional cost). Please inquire about any changes prior to purchase!

If you are purchasing a Custom Designed Website, our design team will work with you, from start to finish to create a website ‘just for you’ – based on your requirements.

Is there a contract?


Although there is no “contract’ as such, you simply sign an agreement for business coaching, Google Advertising campaigns or SEO – that you can Cancel anytime!

We do however request that before cancelling you give us 14 days notification so we can disable the campaign.

Can I target different locations?

Yes. Let us know what areas you wish to get leads from and we can adjust that on the backend. No matter what location you are in Australia – we can target ads to run in your locality 


Yes of course! Fully illustrated and easy to follow instructions are provided with all of our website packages. We show you how to change and add;- content, services, products, prices, categories, sub-categories, product descriptions, images, information pages, contact details & much more! Step by step Video Tutorials is also included with all packages.

Alternatively, we can make the changes on your behalf for an additional fee.


Yes most definitely, you can change your hosting service provider at any time. The transfer of the website to a new provider will be your own responsibility. We cannot provide support for websites hosted with other service providers.  


Sites are built-in WordPress using Woocommerce….optimized for mobile devices. This is a great platform for e-commerce and as mentioned you will have no ongoing expense. The other CMS is Shopify however there is a monthly charge for using this platform (that’s if you decide to sell products as well) 

Do I get a refund?


As you can apprectaite, once the website is built then transferred to your domain, we cannot take that back.

That goes for business cards, flyers, logo, website development plus the manuals that are posted to your physical address. 


When do I get the website and manuals?

After you are clear on how this works, you will need to pay a deposit of $1497 which is not refundable

We will then start working on your website and Google campaigns.

When the draft website is completed and you have approved the final copy, you will need to pay the balance.

Then we will make your website and Google ads live, post the manuals, business cards and flyers to your physical address.

Then you will get an induction call to cover the manual in brief and you can also decide if you want to sign up for the mentoring program or marketing program


Can we meet in person?

Most definitely. 

But first, we need to have a phone conversation to find out if we are a fit for each other. You will need to come to Brisbane for a face to face meeting.

You see if we are going to be mentoring you for the next 12 to 36 months we need to ensure we can work with each other, so we are very selective of who we can sell this package to. 

What support do you offer?

I will personally offer you one on one support for any questions you may have and I will endeavour to reply to your message within 12 – 24 hours if not sooner.

As you can appreciate I do get many calls so I will definitely schedule your call into my diary

Our goal at Business Growth Club is of assisting you with everything we can possibly do to help you grow your business into a profitable enterprise.

Will it work for me?

The systems works.

However, the question really should be – will you work the system?

We have proven our clients who have applied the exact techniques outlined in this program, succeed in building a good income.

It’s a real business, but you’re the variable. If you do nothing, you will get nothing.

Do a little, get a little. Do a lot, you will get a lot.

It’s really that simple!

Why is your manual so comprehensive?

I made many mistakes in my own businesses, so we designed our Clients Business in a Box kit to ensure you don’t make the same errors. We want you to start a business the right way, because many businesses are started without planning, resulting in the businesses getting into trouble.

Starting your business with a solid business plan, then working your way towards getting clients and scaling it purposely, is the best way forward.

 Your manual consists of several modules designed to get you thinking about many components of operating any successful business – both for business development and personal development.

Many of these components are not found in any business schools but you need a practical environment to learn about your business.

Although we have tried our best to bring to your attention the many components of a business, this manual is by no means complete.

You should continuously strive to learn everything about business development, by doing your own research. As there are multiple strategies listed in the manual, we know it’s difficult for beginners to fully understand each tactic. That is why we include our business mentoring as part of your program.

Please Note: Business mentoring is a subscribed service and you will be guided by someone who has run their own business, not someone who only teaches theory.

Why do I need a mentor/coach?

Firstly, the amount of information in the manuals you receive can be overwhelming – especially if you’ve never operated a business before.

Secondly, your business mentor and coach has experience in operating businesses and has experienced the challenges that business frequently present, so they are able to guide you from mistakes and pitfalls.

Thirdly, because each business is unique, you will require a custom-designed marketing strategy with your own unique promo offer or deal.

Marketing is not a one fit for all so even though the strategies outlined in your manual can be applied to any business, you will need them customized to suit your own business.

What exactly does the Google Ads marketing campaign involve?

Lead generation is the most challenging part of marketing for businesses so we made sure that you don’t get stuck in this area when starting out.

To make online lead generation simpler, we created a ready-made solution for you. This is designed to save you the time and effort it requires to hire an experienced website developer and then find a reliable digital marketing agency to run your Google Ads and SEO campaign.

Each campaign is designed to provide leads for your business. We set up a Google Ads campaign specific to the services you want to promote ensuring your ads stand out from the competition and demands attention, then create highly relevant and targeted landing pages so that your website can maximize the conversions,  thereby giving you highly qualified and ready to buy leads.

As mentioned above, you get strategies for each subsection of your marketing – lead generation, lead conversion and client satisfaction. 

Your very own 24/7 lead generating machine!

DISCLAIMER: Although we work with you to ensure your campaign produces results by encouraging you to promote sale deals we cannot guarantee results. It is advisable to have multiple channels wotking together to maximize leads


Will I get leads today?

When your campaign goes live, you’ll start getting leads almost instantly depending on your Ad Spend budget and the deal you have going. Our aim is to get your ads visible on Google’s 1st page as soon as possible for specific search terms results related to your industry.

Generally, the more you spend on Ad Spend, the more often Google shows your ads.

Apart from Google ads, you are encouraged to start using the other strategies outlined in your manual. 

Again, the assistance from your mentor will prove invaluable to ensure you are getting the maximum ROI from your advertising investment 

Disclaimer: We will do our upmost best to get your ads on the 1st page of Google however we cannot guarantee leads or sales. We will show you Google reports on impressions, traffic and clicks to your landing page so you can evaluate further action. Google is a business with its own rules and regulations and we cannot guarantee if or when they will change these.


Why seo and ppc together?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is paid advertising with almost instant results (if done right). Whereas search engine optimisation (SEO) may not give you the results as fast but it pays off well over time. They both have their place for achieving short and long-term website traffic goals.

Do I get an exclusive area?

You are not buying a franchise or a licenced territory so we cannot guarantee a specific location or area. 

We will, however, inform you if we have sold to someone in your area

Your website will be custom branded to your business name. All images and content should be supplied by you so that they are unique to your brand.

Once you sign up to our Business-In-A-Box package, we will ensure your confidentiality.

DISCLAIMER: We will try our best to offer exclusivity however we are not to be held liable for any trading conducted in your area. We release the website owner-ship to the rightful owner after completion and are therefore exempt from controlling their marketing and trading area. We do not interfere in the business of the owners of the website, so we cannot be held liable if they trade in areas other than that stared in their agreement without informing us.


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Let’s Discuss How To Get Your Business More Clients, Shall We?

PO Box 660, Logan Central, 4114

0400 720 129

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